Jessica Wilson

Clinical Dietitian, Author 

Jessica Wilson, MS, RDN (she/her) is the co-creator of the Amplify Melanated Voices challenge that went viral in 2020. She is a clinical dietitian, consultant and author, whose experiences navigating the dietetic fields as a Black, queer dietitian have been featured on ABC Prime Time News, public radio shows and in print media, including the New York Times, Bustle, and Cronkite News. 

Jessica has worked as a clinical dietitian since 2007, specializing in eating disorders. She is acutely aware of how both the public health and medical framing of “healthy eating” has contributed to disordered eating and self blame. She regularly provides continuing medical education for healthcare and mental health institutions.

Jessica works from a trauma-informed perspective and believes that her client’s lived experiences can be more important to their care than what is considered to be “best practice.” She speaks openly and candidly about the harm caused to people by designating individual identities and bodies as risk factors, rather than targeting the structural inequities and violence that marginalized individuals must endure and which contribute to whether we fall into the social construction of Health. She organizes and energizes communities, both small and large, and is a leader in the conversation to deconstruct the narratives we have all been told about our bodies.

Her book, It’s Always Been Ours; Rewriting the Story of Black Women’s Bodies is out now.

TOPICS: Body Politics, Health, Race

In the News

ABC News 

Dietician Jessica Wilson on Black women building a community ‘for us by us’

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cronkite news

Amid COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter, providers push for equity in treating eating disorders

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