Anita has trained over 45% of the natural hair care professionals in the city of Richmond and has assisted individuals, not only in Richmond, but across the country in establishing their own businesses. She has taught at various Natural Hair Care Expo’s, retreats, and symposiums around the country.
In an effort to bring awareness to individuals involved in the Natural Hair Industry, Anita was inspired to create The Master Pioneer Award. This award show recognizes, and pays tribute to individuals who laid the foundation and paved the way for others to thrive in the Natural Hair Industry.
After 4 and ½ years of extensive study, research, and clinical trials, in July of 2014 Anita launched her line of all natural/organic hair restoration products called “NHR – Natural Hair Restoration”. This product was designed to assist anyone dealing with hair loss, scalp disorders, thinning, and any other issues that negatively affect our crown.
Anita is dedicated to God, her family, and her industry. Her motto “Don’t Be Discouraged but Be Encouraged” is displayed daily; not only in her day to day business dealings, but more importantly in her day to day life; aiding, helping, motivating is what she does best.
TOPICS: Natural Hair Care, Education, Women and Girls of Color