Alexis Pauline Gumbs

Alexis Pauline Gumbs

Alexis Pauline Gumbs Author, Poet  @alexispauline Alexis Pauline Gumbs is a Queer Black Troublemaker and Black Feminist Love Evangelist and an aspirational cousin to all sentient beings. Her work in this lifetime is to facilitate infinite, unstoppable ancestral love...
Danielle Belton

Danielle Belton

Danielle Belton Writer, Editor @daniellecbelton Danielle Belton is the Editor-in-Chief of HuffPost, a Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization that publishes original online reporting on politics, lifestyle, entertainment, and more. Recently, Axios reported that...
Meredith Broussard

Meredith Broussard

Meredith Broussard Author, Professor of Journalism  @merbroussard Meredith Broussard is an associate professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and the author of Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World. Her...
Dani McClain

Dani McClain

Dani McClain Author, Journalist  @drmcclain Dani McClain reports on race, parenting and reproductive health. McClain’s writing has appeared in outlets including The New York Times, TIME, The Atlantic, Harper’s BAZAAR and Colorlines. Her work has been...
Tanisha C. Ford

Tanisha C. Ford

Tanisha C. Ford Author, Cultural Critic, and Professor of Africana Studies & History @SoulistaPhD TANISHA C. FORD is a foremost voice speaking on the intersection of politics, economics, and culture. She makes connections between the past and the present in ways...